APR 2022 - JUN 2022
SILK is a Figma mockup for a web and mobile app that targets kids & teens who are interested in learning web design. The concept stemmed from a prompt provided by Google as part of their UX Design Certificate Program.


This was the last project I had to complete as part of my UX portfolio, and it also ended up being the most complex. Figma is pretty limited as far as human input goes, and being that this web app would be very coding heavy, that kind of interactivity wasn’t possible to recreate. Nonetheless, I took it just as seriously as the other prompts and put my focus on crafting a friendly user experience conducive to learning basic web design.


Web design is a deceptive iceberg of a field and can be a very intimidating and overwhelming challenge for young people, even those that may consider themselves tech savvy. Search engine results can quickly spiral into a headache-inducing wormhole, and boot camps can be very expensive without fulfilling the need you signed up for in the first place.


Silk's multi-faceted approach will ease users into full-stack development and help them pick up the practices of real developers with interactive lessons, build mastery through reinforcement modules, and test their knowledge with hands-on, challenging projects that are critiqued by real web developers.



Once the page finishes loading, you can navigate with the number keys. 0 = top, 1-7 = Table of Contents, 8 = Downloads, and 9 = bottom.

Move to the next or previous section with the + and - keys.


Silk's multi-faceted approach will ease users into full-stack development and help them pick up the practices of real developers with interactive lessons, build mastery through reinforcement modules, and test their knowledge with hands-on, challenging projects that are critiqued by real web developers.

You can navigate through this page with the number keys. 0 = top, 9 = bottom, and 1-8 is everything in between.
Moving from item to item is possible with the Up and Down arrow keys.
Playing around with the prototype requires a wider device.

Try visiting this page on your desktop, laptop, or tablet!
INSTRUCTIONS: Start the LIST GROUPS lesson, and then click on the grayed out LINKS & BUTTONS topic. Read the information and then tap the black box on the left side to simulate completing the lesson, and you will be taken back to an updated Lesson 2 screen.

The main user flow focuses on the LESSONS part of the user experience. As I mentioned above, Figma’s capacity for interactivity is limited and a lot of necessary features for this project like syntax highlighting, code editors, web rendering, and so on would require actual development. So the PROJECTS part of the prototype isn’t really explored at all. I designed this web app to be tablet compatible as well, so there’s also an iPad prototype available below.
- It may take a little bit for the images & icons to load, especially larger images.
- If you get lost, click anywhere on the screen. The blue boxes indicate things you can interact with
- None of the games have been implemented: Figma is too simple for that :)
- The Baby Name database in Mock Databases has the only functioning example of database history
- For the best view, open the prototype in full screen and select “Fit to screen” or “Actual size (100%)”
- For the best performance, I recommend turning on GPU acceleration in your browser

There were 10 initial interviews conducted with 5 pre-teens and 5 teenagers who either mentioned a direct interest in learning about web development, or were curious about the topic. The following set of 8 questions was asked to each participant:

How good do you believe you are at using a computer?
Have you ever designed anything before? If so, what was your thought process?
Any experience coding or learning about coding?
Have you ever tried another online service for learning web development?
How did it go?
What would you build once you're familiar with basic web development?
What sticks out to you when you use other websites?
Do you enjoy drawing, writing, or working with pictures and videos?
Are there any obstacles for you when trying to use online programming resources?

This allowed me to pinpoint 3 pain points.

Which language? Libraries? Frameworks? IDE? For someone who is a stranger to the web design world or development in general, trying to answer one of these questions can lead to several more, resulting in more confusion instead than answers.
There’s nothing worse than trying to learn something online & being bombarded with acronyms, terms, and phrases when you just want to understand the topic at hand. You’ll learn how to talk the talk eventually, but it can put you off when you’re starting out.
One of the frustrating things about web development is that while each phase of it usually has a set pattern and workflow, it can be difficult to know which phase to do when. This creates confusion around the order and urgency of tasks.

From the interviews and pain points, I was able to paint a clearer picture of my audience through these personas.

FATIMA is an aspiring fashion designer who needs to build an impressive portfolio website so she stands out among other fashion school applicants

From a young age Fatima was determined to have her very own successful luxury boutique. Fatima begins researching ways to make her fashion school applications stand out and one piece of advice is clear: you need a great portfolio website. She doesn’t want to pick from the same selection of templates and site builders as her competitors but the languages and frameworks Fatima finds feel impossible to fully grasp during the same time her application deadlines are approaching.



  • Get accepted into a top tier fashion program
  • Have one centralized location for people to view all her designs and sketches
  • Create a unique design concept for her portfolio site to woo admissions departments AND potential clientele


  • "It's so competitive, standing out is a must."
  • "It's hard to share notebooks and annoying to keep sending different files everywhere."
  • "This is the gateway for people to see my work, so it needs to feel like me and no one else."
BALU is a bright little kid who wants to learn web design because his family always encourages his interest in computers and technology

Much like the rest of Generation Z, learning how to use technology has always come easy to Balu. His dad is a software engineer who believes Balu would enjoy the creative and problem solving aspects of coding, and tells him to give it a shot. Balu agrees but there’s immediately a handful of obstacles - documentation is ugly and hard to follow, development standards are hard to condense, and his head feels like it’s going to explode every time he sees terms he doesn’t understand in tutorials.



  • See if programming is really for him
  • Get good enough to build a website for himself!
  • Find helpful online coding resources


  • "I can tell the computer to do what I want!"
  • "It would be pretty cool to have my OWN website."
  • "A lot of this is hard to understand and makes my head hurt."


Kids and teenagers are an easy market to appeal to, but difficult to retain if they end up becoming dissatisfied with whatever you're offering. In order to provide an optimal minimal viable product, Silk needs to appeal to two major audiences:

Young preteens who like using technology and want to develop that interest into something more
Teenagers who might already have some technical background, or they are just getting started
With that, the goal statement for this project was clearly defined:
"SILK will package simple, digestible text lessons with hands on programming exercises and games, which will ease preteens into the discipline and build their computer science knowledge, and engage teens by helping them quickly pick up concepts and start developing cool stuff."
The goal of the third prompt was to build something for social good, as opposed to the business focused nature of my first two UX projects. So this project's competitive audit was conducted differently.

Silk is completely free, so the key performance indicator for this project unlike the others is the number of preteens and teenagers who are able to successfully retain knowledge of a topic and positively apply it in their lives - in this case, web development, or as far as this prototype goes, the beginnings of it.

You can browse the audits interactively below or view each individual audit for Code.org, Khan Academy, Code Monster, and Codewars. A competitor overview is presented followed by the audit findings. If you just want the TL;DR, click here to skip to the summary.
Browsing interactively requires a wider device. Try visiting this page on your desktop, laptop, or tablet!


I considered the following similar organizations and services for this audit. Note that platforms that were not completely free (especially those that require any kind of payment to unlock more lesson material and educational content) were not considered because any type of monetization for a learning platform reduces the total reach it has and puts a hard limit on the value and information their audience walks away with. The only exception was Codewars because access to material does not depend on premium.
"Code.org is an education innovation nonprofit dedicated to the vision that every student in every school has the opportunity to learn computer science as part of their core K-12 education."


Total visits over past 3 months
Averaging 20 million visitors over the past 3 months
Average visit duration
Average visit duration: 11 minutes and 38 seconds (11:38)
27.8% bounce rate
Desktop: 77.3%
Mobile: 22.7%
Top 3 countries that make up web traffic
Top 3 countries: USA (50.9%), TUR (4.7%), and THA (3.5%)
Main demographics of users
Biggest demographics: 18-24 (33.3%) and 25-34 (28.9%)
Male: 48.7%
Female: 51.3%

Points of Interest

Free as in FREE

Thanks to donations and corporate partners, all materials are free forever- even their tech stack is open source

Hour of Code

A one hour introduction with proven impact to programming fundamentals through various activities

K–12 Framework

Conceptual guidelines for computer science education developed in conjunction with other reputable organizations

"Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom."


Total visits over past 3 months
Averaging 123 million visitors over the past 3 months
Average visit duration
Average visit duration: 8 minutes and 1 second (08:01)
47.9% bounce rate
Desktop: 68.7%
Mobile: 31.3%
Top 3 countries that make up web traffic
Top 3 countries: USA (54.3%), IND (3.5%), and CAN 3.5%)
Main demographics of users
Biggest demographics: 18-24 (39.2%) and 25-34 (26.6%)
Male: 44.3%
Female: 55.7%

Points of Interest

Content Specialists

Khan Academy boasts an impressive faculty of multi-discipline academics that create and curate its content

Rich Coverage

The Computing section is prolific and covers topics like web design, cryptography, and algorithms

Empirical Impact

Surveys, studies, and program evaluations from varying organizations have all indicated Khan Academy's positive impact

"Code Monster from Crunchzilla is an interactive tutorial for kids that focuses on action. Code changes immediately yield visible results, and important programming concepts are introduced by example."


Total visits over past 3 months
Averaging 70 thousand visitors over the past 3 months
Average visit duration
Average visit duration: 31 seconds (00:31)
66.9% bounce rate
Desktop:  47.3%
Mobile: 52.7%
Top 3 countries that make up web traffic
Top 3 countries: USA (35.2%), ROM (12.0%), and ZAF (8.2%)
Main demographics of users
Biggest demographics: 25-34 (28.8%) and 18-24 (24.0%)
Male: 53.6%
Female: 46.4%

Points of Interest

Interactive Tutoring

The "Code Monster" is a fun character that communicates objectives and lets the user progress at their pace

Practical Curriculum

A great mix of basics like variables, colors, and loops and advanced ones like recursion, bitwise operators, and events

Live Rendering

The user types into one text box and the results on the right update right away providing instant feedback

"In our dojo, kata are real code challenges focused on improving skill and technique. Some train programming fundamentals, while others focus on complex problem solving. Each kata is crafted for and by the community."


Total visits over past 3 months
Averaging 9 million over the past 3 months
Average visit duration
Average visit duration: 7 minutes and 58 seconds (07:58)
39.1% bounce rate
Desktop: 78.7%
Mobile: 21.3%
Top 3 countries that make up web traffic
Top 3 countries: USA (10.7%), RUS (8.6%), and UKR (4.9%)
Main demographics of users
Biggest demographics: 25-34 (36.5%) and 18-24 (25.8%)
Male: 69.6%
Female: 30.4%

Points of Interest

Honor and Rank

Ranks grant different Privileges and increase through Honor points from solving katas and getting into the community

Community Discourse

Search for help, voice your opinion on a given problem or solution, report bugs, and interact with other members

Test Driven

All submissions must pass a full test suite, introducing new learners to test driven development


The goal of Silk is to distill a practical understanding of relevant web technologies in a memorable and resilient way. So instead of trying to establish profit points and leverage competitor flaws, I will be analyzing the demographic, path, curriculum, support, and various aspects of the user experience. This will still achieve the same end as my other 2 competitive audits, which was to 1) highlight competitive advantage and 2) establish case for market stake.

Click any of the categories below to expand.
Target audience and makeup of userbase
  • Most of budget goes to grades 6-12 ($44.7M according to 2021 report)
  • Next major slice is grades K-5 ($16.1M)
  • 46.1% female participation
  • 50% underrepresented racial groups
  • Internationalized curriculum and activities (67 languages, 26M international students served)
  • Proven track record with many different ages, races, and financial backgrounds
  • No detailed stats on overall userbase, but various indepdent studies detailing success
  • Long history of international success - 2.6M Brazilian students served from 2012-2017
  • Various pilot programs targeting grade and middle schoolers
  • Community college and undergraduate crossover too - irrelevant in this case since younger demo traffic stats not available
  • No detailed user demographic information available
  • From website: "Code Monster is for younger children, ages 9-14, and for curious adults. Code Monster is the easiest tutorial."
  • Harder variety for teens older than 16 - Code Maven
  • Audience is much more male than female
  • Also higher traffic among 25-34 than 18-24, so audience crossover is slim
  • Website mentions use by colleges and high schools
  • No usage statistics or targeting for students younger than 16




How success is defined and the map to get there
  • Tracks are split up by grade (K-5, 6-12, and Beyond K-12)
  • K-5 begins with very basic stuff, but proceeding to the material in Beyond K-12 lets students explore careers and scholarships
  • Guided lessons focused on task completion and developing the ability to think like a programmer
  • Post-lesson discussion/reflection questions
  • 7 course track for students to learn web design through HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and SQL
  • Good mix of videos, short reads, challenges, interactive lessons, and quizzes
  • Additional Algorithms track that teaches foundational CS algorithms and walks you through JavaScript implementations
  • No final goal/outcome, just collection of exercises to become familiar with JavaScript features
  • 59 lessons and exercises
  • Code Monster is first step for new learners to complete before Code Maven and Game Maven
  • "Ranks are used to indicate the proficiency of users and the difficulty of Kata. There are two classes of ranks, Kyu and Dan, which are divided in 8 levels each. By increasing order of proficiency/difficulty"
  • Demonstrate proficiency from 8 Kyu - 1 Kyu, develop mastery from 1 Dan - 8 Dan
  • Additional kumite feature for applying knowledge gained from Katas by "sparring" with other users




Topics of study along with their structure
  • Different languages focused on per age group
  • Programs for Grades K-5 primarily use Scratch
  • After that, most courses focus on JavaScript, Python, Lua, HTML, and CSS
  • Some courses for Grades 6 and up that focus on C++ and Java
  • Standard web design palette - HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL
  • Some information seems outdated - ex. teaching position and float instead of flexbox (CSS) or using the var keyword instead of let (JavaScript)
  • Besides programming classes, also offers some additional side courses on cool stuff like cryptography and the internet
  • JavaScript
  • Extensive coverage of various aspects of the language - arrays, events, drawing, bitwise operators, and more
  • Full curriculum
  • Most variety by far out of all main competitors
  • C, C++, C#, F#, Go, Java, JavaScript, Kotlin, Lua, Rust, Dart, PHP, Python, Ruby, Scala, SQL, Swift, TypeScript
  • Beta support for several other languages as well (only available to Codewars Red members)




Any additional resources provided, both human and digital
  • Guided lesson plans for teachers, but not many individual or saveable resources for students
  • Good extracurricular section with auxiliary offerings to let students further develop their interest
  • The teachers are the primary support resources since most activities and courses are guided
  • Mentorships and Community section to connect students with societies that will provide guidance and professional development
  • Question and answer section below videos and articles
  • Video transcripts
  • Tips & Thanks section where users provide instructors feedback and experienced users offer advice of their own
  • API Documentation
  • All course materials can be comfortably reviewed in isolation
  • No human involvement or interaction aside from user
  • From FAQ: "Code Monster skips a lot of the syntax and explanation you can get elsewhere (Google for it when you need it) and instead jumps straight into the fun of what you can do if you learn to code."
  • Community editable docs, basically a wiki
  • Integrated development AND testing environments for all supported languages
  • Github Discussions Board
  • Using CodeWars as an educator in your coding course requires contacting the team, possibly payment as well
  • Discord server

User Experience



Overall usability, aesthetic, and enhancing features
  • Great bold visuals, charts, and text for absorbing information quickly in Stats section
  • Colors convey context - purple is used for buttons and links, blue for information, etc
  • The device simulator shown for the Projects section doesn't use all available space - little top margin, large bottom margin
  • Curriculum Catalog has well thought out filter options that are easy to set, mix, and clear
  • Colors feel a little flat and dull, like clothes that have been worn out from the wash
  • Courses require teacher or student access so no real notes here
  • Information is organized neatly into units and sections - each unit has an overview with a clear split between learning and practice materials
  • Icons for different learning materials
  • Really good at making sure you are focused on the most pertinent thing at the time
  • Good use of instructional gifs to limit scrolling and quickly convey information
  • Section buttons are nice and big
  • Colors pop and catch your eye
  • Audio transcripts and timestamps available where needed
  • Documentation makes good use of visuals to stay succinct
  • Um... it's just a text area box on a white background
  • User MUST constantly click the monster to continue and reveal next instructions
  • Font size is pretty small with no option to change
  • Website is the sleekest and most "modern" of them all
  • You can "star" (bookmark) any of the kata exercises for easy access and review
  • Nice concise menu with informative short descriptions
  • Light/dark mode switch!
  • Ads populating the sides of the every screen is a real eyesore
  • Code editor recognizes extra shortcuts like Ctrl+D and Ctrl+G
  • Great summary bar for each kata -showing you relevant tags, number of bookmarks, success rate, open issues, etc
  • Neat little separate testing window like LeetCode so user can write tests easily for their kata solutions
The services above share and pull ideas from each other naturally, as they all seek to find the most effective way to engage youth in computer science education. There are many reasons why they are successful, such as:
But there are flaws nonetheless. Code.org and Khan Academy are jacks of all trades and masters of none. While their activities and courses are good starters, there is no incentive to return to the platform after completing them unless you want to explore a different area of study.

Code.org is more about breadth than depth, with many introductory offerings but few for refinement. They also have a strong focus on the classroom, where the wear and tear of a school day or poor student-teacher dynamic can greatly impact a child's desire to focus or learn anything. Self-paced offerings are available, but there are only 3 major offerings and the material overlaps instead of connecting. Code.org also requires users to log into their class's student section to access any of its materials, so if your school isn't partnered you can't use the platform - there isn't even a mobile app.

However, focus can also be too narrow. Code Monster is a one trick pony that will make learners well-acquainted with JavaScript but not much else. There are sprinkles of some cool programming concepts like bit shifting and using the HTML canvas API, but it doesn't look to build the foundation for a good developer. The overall UI isn't very captivating either.

Khan Academy and Codewars provided the most insight into what a new successful platform could look like: control over pace and environment, active community with guidance from professionals where needed, strong aesthetics, and reassuring indicators of progress. But both platforms prioritize exercises over projects and technical know-how over developing the ability to know when to apply what.

Thus, there is a place for Silk but there are 3 opportunities it must pursue for success:
OPPORTUNITYThere is a lack of depth with no targeted scope.
Code.org casts a wide net.
Khan Academy doesn't provide  stimulating challenges with stakes.
Code Monster and Codewars provide depth but don't have a target beside rote completion.
SOLUTIONSilk will stay within the orbit of web development, and focus on mastery with the industry's relevant technologies after users are introduced and familiarized with them.
Students would benefit more from one area of study that explores the capacity of multiple technologies, rather than multiple areas of study that just sample a few technologies. They can learn important computer science principles AND lay the foundation for a successful career as a developer.
Platforms focus on "how to" do something rather than "how you should" do something.
GAP Code.org's and Khan Academy's supplemental material provide good guidelines, but the course material, like Code Monster and Codewars, focuses on the technical side.
SOLUTIONSilk will interweave best practices and problem solving tactics naturally with its development curriculum so users understand both the "how" and "why"
It's not necessarily "hard" to learn a programming language - a high school freshman who's interested could pick up Python in a week. But the programming language is just a means to an end, and it's knowing how and where to apply it that will allow kids to make the most of it and not get discouraged when they face their first road block (of many!) when working on a real project.
Students want to retain what they learn so they can apply their knowledge however they'd like.
GAPCode.org chiefly wants to pique a child's INTEREST in computers.
Khan Academy's content is primarily instructional.
Code Monster
doesn't have any resources dedicated to retention.
relies on "grinding".
SOLUTIONSilk will have a variety of engaging native modules that students can use to develop proficiency in the concepts that are introduced in the lesson material.
Users need dedicated offerings that let them flesh out newly learned skills and test their limits so they know what they do and don't understand. Having strong supplementary materials in tandem with the core curriculum gives users options on how to grasp difficult topics, so they have other ways to help them digest the information besides just reviewing the lessons again and again.
The key foundation for Swift Tix to be successful was determined to be a mix of these three qualities: immersive, secure, and smooth. These were the three criteria that all design decisions had to meet.

Note: Accessibility is a requirement for all 21st century design projects. That is - it's an implicit guide that must be satisfied in each step of the process.

Feel free to click any of the images below to view at full size.

Site Map

ORANGE indicates a link to a new page. PURPLE indicates a link to a new page that is also the child of another page.

Buyer Flow

Seller Flow

Yup, this isn't an exaggeration or anything, selling is this simple on Swift Tix. Mainly because you can only sell tickets you've bought on the site, which adds an innate layer of security and confidence to all transactions since the primary market is always thoroughly vetted and legitimate!

It also saves you time with listing details - just enter the price you want to sell at and you're good to go!

Low Fidelity Wireframes

If you’ve used one of the prototypes or skipped down to the final mockups, you might be scratching your head at how different these look. Truth be told, my first design ideas were pretty barebones and didn’t become more creative until I picked apart the websites of my competitors.


My initial design included a static navigation bar and was more influenced by shopping sites like Grailed rather than Live Nation. Compact squares that showed the location, artist image, artist name, and price range of available tickets seemed like a quick, efficient way for the user to get a good summary of relevant information.


One of the items on the navigation bar was a COMING UP section that made browsing & joining upcoming ticket pre-sales a simple one click process. I organized these events under one tab and provided each with a PRE-SAVE button. I realized a showy design could only work by minimizing the actions to get from A to B.
This is the original concept for browsing listings on mobile. Similar to the above, very bare bones and ultimately felt too much like a mundane reconstruction of the designs of my competitors. This concept felt forced - it wasn't friendly and crammed the screen.
Stubs was the part of the user's account that held purchased tickets. It seemed obvious on mobile devices to make the ticket take up the length of the screen. Playing with size this way was one good step in the right direction that actually helped me later on.

High Fidelity Wireframes

My dissatisfaction with the low fidelity wireframes made me go back to the drawing board completely. I thought about the audience described in the user persona - this was a site for music lovers. And being a music lover myself, I started to think about how the information architecture could speak to fans the same way good music does.

I began by retooling the home page with useful, focused sections that were expanded to full pages if necessary. This helped me form a much more practical site map than I had originally designed, while still allowing me to be creative. Click to enlarge the images.

  1. The RECOMMENDED FOR YOU section shows musicians you might like based on your concert history in a playful bubble layout, with additional details available upon hover like rating, genre, number of shows & tickets, and even a blurb for some of the bigger artists.
  2. The ALL GENRES section shows artists performing near you based on the genre icon that you click. You can then directly go to any of the artist’s landing pages via clicking on them.
  3. The PRE-SALE section is a preview of the PRE-SALE page. It’s a slideshow that shows some of the popular pre-sale events available for signup. Clicking the “Sign Up” button (not functional in this prototype) would let you begin the sign up user flow on the spot, or you can click the image itself to visit that event’s section on the PRE-SALE page.
  4. The FESTIVALS section is a preview of the FESTIVALS page. It shows the 4 biggest festivals happening near you, and hovering over one of the panels reveals some standouts among the setlist to pique your interest.
The original “home” page was refactored into an appropriate SEARCH page because I decided that each artist should have their own personally designed landing page. This ARTIST page provides all the musician related information and actions a user would need in a sleek, accessible fashion:
This section near the top is what I like to call the MARQUEE SECTION. It’s another slideshow type component but it’s reserved for artists that partner and promote directly through the site. In addition to being the first thing visitors see, they get a blurb summarizing their event along with a button that users can click to browse tickets for that event. Also, either in place of or addition to their usual landing page, they get a custom designed spread as seen in this example here with Jorja Smith.
Similarly, Swift Tix would ideally partner with players in the festival circuit as well. Most of these festivals don’t have much of a say in how their tickets are sold on third party vendors, so working with them directly to create custom landing pages that reflect their brand would help them cater more to their demographics. The top half will always be a information section that doesn’t really vary much, so the bottom half is where the collaboration really begins.
I wanted to showcase how the look, concept, and involvement might vary from event to event. For example, Rolling Loud features more color & interactivity with those clickable blocks than Made in America, who opted for something more slick and simple. You can visit these landing pages along with a few others from the FESTIVALS page. Functionally, they share design language that reminds the user they are browsing Swift Tix, but the rest of each page's aesthetic is indelibly tied to that event's brand.
If this site became a reality, there will need to be a core part of the team that focuses solely on the aesthetics. Other ticket sales websites are unabashedly ecommerce apparatuses, but Swift Tix was created with the understanding that music fans are already looking to make a purchase, so if you focus more on the environment you provide them rather than their pockets, they’ll be more eager to provide you with business again and again.

User Interface

The first guiding principle mentioned above was immersion because the platforms of Swift Tix's competitors echoed none of the passion or excitement that is associated with live events, especially concerts. To stand out among the crowd of ticket sales platforms, the user interface was designed to feel warmer, friendlier, and more reflective of its overall purpose: to help the user form another amazing memory from attending a music event they find on the site.

Shapes and Icons: Soft shapes like circles and rounded rectangles were used for buttons, image borders, controls, and interactive components. Quickly identifiable and rounded icons were preferred for the menus, genres, and recurring elements like reviews and artist page controls.

Note that these icons aren't all of the same set or style - from an initial glance, they seem vastly different but through careful distribution they all succeed in establishing the tone of their associated website area:

Playful and colorful

Flat and straight edge, direct

Scratchy & evocative

Simple, denotes certain action

Fonts: Multiple fonts of various styles - playful, sans serif, monospaced, etc. - signal different categories of information and calls to action. For example, "Titan One" is only used on buttons, while "Vast Shadow" is used to emphasize important contextual information and switches within a page or overlay. You can see all the fonts used along with their semantic meanings below:
Colors: In general different shades of French Vanilla, gold, and brown were used to create comfort, be easy on the eyes, and disappear when serving as the backdrop to more vibrant colorful elements, images, or controls. Conversely to achieve this end, harsh colors like black and white, along with typical marketplace colors like green and blue were avoided. Black is only used to denote that the user has "stepped out" of the main site, like with overlays as well as all account related settings and information.

All ARTIST pages are given a distinct light background color to symbolize how each artist is unique - their artist images are chosen to carefully complement these colors as well. The following colors were chosen for the 12 available sample artist pages:
The 4 ticket types all have different colors as well:
And finally, the last major use of color was for the ratings that accompany every ticket:
Interactivity: The various components throughout the site are what give it life and make it feel alive. To appeal to the sentiments of music fans, a design team would create different themes and types of stylized interactive controls that are capable and unobtrusive. This doesn't mean they need to be subtle, only that they fit within the design language, do not distract the user, and do not impede their core function.

Here are a few cool examples:

MARQUEE component - highlights different artists with a brand image, blurb, and button to their special artist page

ALL GENRES component - uses bubbly icons for each genre that refresh the section below with available artists near the user, if there are any

FESTIVALS component - jumbotron that highlights the biggest festival partners with explorative previews of performing artists

ABOUT US page - really play up the musical inspiration and use nice, vivid instrument art for user to discover the points of difference for the platform

Mobile Design: The mobile interface was designed to make the most of the limited screen size of a mobile device. The main approach here was trying to logically condense as much core information for each part of the website as possible into a single screen, allowing the user to easily traverse from one area of the site to another by simply swiping around.

Additionally, the creative spark was carried through as faithfully as possible. Smooth, bouncy animations clearly indicate the contextual shift per swipe, and content has been rearranged and resized to responsively adapt to the proportions of a mobile screen. However, this doesn't mean all components look and behave as shown above - especially because the mobile prototype created only has enough functionality to complete the buyer flow.

The framerate is a little wonky because these are GIFs but you should get the basic idea. Feel free to play around with the actual prototype to see for yourself.

General Navigation (Mobile)

Buyer Flow (Mobile)

A11y Considerations

Handy number based navigation system on all pages. 1 always takes you to the top, 0 always takes you to the bottom, and any page sections in between are distributed as needed from 2-9.

Fixed position back button on all pages except the home page so users can always retrace their steps no sweat.

Unobtrusive back-to-top is available on all pages so that if a user moves their cursor or finger and holds it near the very top of their device’s screen, they will be smoothly taken back to the start of the page.

Responsively expanding to fill space means regardless of the device users browse on, Swift Tix has been designed so that fonts, images, seating charts, buttons, and other controls all scale properly to the available device dimensions so that everything stays easy to read and discern and the immersive environment never falters.

Swipe based mobile navigation to limit scrolling and clearly signify the semantic weight and meaning per screen. The mobile websites of Ticketmaster and Stubhub suffered from trying to downscale and cram their desktop design into a tiny cellphone, especially with the seat selection screen. Here pages have been resized accordingly, pop-ups have been strictly avoided, and the need to zoom has been minimized.

Sticker Sheet

You can see all the assets and controls I used to create this mockup below. All venue schematics, artist images, and festival/tour brand images were pulled from Google:
The key foundation for Silk to be successful was determined to be a mix of these three qualities: friendly, compartmentalized, and simple. These were the three criteria that all design decisions had to meet.

Note: Accessibility is a requirement for all 21st century design projects. That is - it's an implicit guide that must be satisfied in each step of the process.

Feel free to click any of the images below to view at full size.

User Flow

Notice the concentration of choice around Activity Selection, but after choosing an activity each one is relatively straightforward.

Low Fidelity Wireframes

I began by figuring out the logical separation for the information architecture, and decided on this setup:
The TOOLS section on the bottom row will hold the different reinforcement modules - simple little utilities that aid learners in sharpening their knowledge and experimenting with what they've learned.
LESSON (ABOVE): Each lesson is based around a type of component from the Bootstrap framework and breaks them down into 8 exercises. The position of the circles were based on spider eyes, which is where the name SILK and the spider logo came from as well. Why spiders? Because spiders are the best web designers on the planet, duh.
EXERCISE (BELOW): Initially, I wanted the user to reverse engineer the components themselves, but you'll see that in later iterations produced a more robust solution - a compact reference that shows you how to assemble building blocks into a bigger idea. The exercises remain hands on, but focus more on practicality & thinking critically about your design decisions.

High Fidelity Wireframes

The Silk curriculum consists of 3 frontend and 3 backend concepts, which each encapsulate a specific portion of the web design process. They build on top of each other and aim to expose younger users to the full breadth of technologies used in the field, and to make older users well-rounded, complete developers. Even if they decide to specialize later in the backend, for example, knowing how the frontend works is still important.

This is the HTML concept. Each concept is split into 8 lessons to keep things concise and make the finish line feel reachable, and also because spiders have 8 eyes.
Users don't HAVE to go sequentially and can complete the 6 concepts in any order they'd like. This is to keep the curiosity of users who have pre-existing knowledge alive by letting them explore things they don't know.

The following technologies form Silk's core curriculum. Other offerings may be added in the future to keep up with industry trends or expose users to more advanced development topics, such as how to navigate the NPM ecosystem or using Go and compiling it to WebAssembly for back end use.


Users are familiarized with layout systems like grids and flexboxes as well as the different logical components of a website by working through the Bootstrap framework. This concept assumes some basic understanding of HTML, such as attributes, forms, and classes.


Users take a deep dive into writing maintainable CSS by learning Sass, a powerful CSS extension language. This also prepares users for the next concept by introducing programming topics like variables, DRY, nesting,  inheritance, and so on.


Users continue building on the programming fundamentals from the previous concept and learn how to apply TypeScript and modern ES6 features effectively in their projects, while also learning the value of static types and modular development.


Users learn how to model data with JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) as they create schemas, analyze request objects, and communicate with the frontend where they parse backend JSON responses and update the UI using previous skills.


The first half of this concept utilizes users’ new JSON knowledge to explore NoSQL databases and show them how to perform CRUD operations, while the second half introduces the user to SQL, relational databases, and ACID properties.


Users develop a functional understanding of Python in a backend context as they set up their own server and API routing using Flask. They also learn about basic authentication, dynamic types, and common server side tasks/patterns.
Gamification is an effective way to enhance learning and has been discussed at length by various different sources. Silk uses games as part of its organizational structure to provide users with highly interactive and fun ways to develop the skills taught in the Lessons section.
A detailed dive into each game's mechanics can be found here. Below is a brief synopsis of all 8 games.

Space Colony

Rule your own planet and design it with code

SKILLS: SCSS, TypeScript, Python, SQL


Race other users and solve a coding problem first

SKILLS: TypeScript, Python

Swipe That Way

One edge of your screen has the answer. Swipe that way!

SKILLS: Fast information recall

Battle Bots

Face off against other users with bots powered by your code

SKILLS: Performance, thinking on the spot

Code Libs

Fill in parts of a wacky program to see the final result

SKILLS: Creative problem solving

The Bookstore

Face off against other users with bots powered by your code

SKILLS: Advanced SQL functionality


A user has placed bugs in some code. Can you find them?

SKILLS: Debugging and refactoring

Snakes & Ladders

Solve a coding problem and rise! Get it wrong and fall!

SKILLS: Deep dive into Python
If the 6 concepts are a condensed form of easily digestible information, then the 4 projects are comprehensive tasks meant to not just test how well you remember which attribute does what or which class to use when, but most of all to expose you to the workflows used by professional web developers for their projects.

Every project isn't a full stack project - some are, but others only require you to use a subset of the concepts. That way, users don't have to wait to complete all the Lessons before attempting one. Take a look at this one, which provides the front end and only requires the user to learn the backend material.
More projects will be added in the future, especially as feedback pours in from active developers. These are the projects available currently.

Financial Dashboard

Design a dashboard to show the value of a fictional stock portfolio in real time.

Winter Getaway

Design a system for a newly founded ski resort that needs to track and log visitors.


Design the look and functionality of a web app for users to build good habits.

Groceries To Go

Design an online grocery store that lets users places orders directly on the website.
The TOOLS section ended up comprising 8 modules in total - additional resources tailored for practice, exploration, and retention. The important thing here design wise was making sure each one was self-contained and extensible should the need arise in the future. Here are a few:

User Interface

The core audience is young, and the content is educational, meaning that facilitating the employment of Gestalt Principles was key for this product to be successful. Thus, the layouts, colors, and fonts were all considered to meet this end.

Once I realized that the LESSONS should just be handier and prettier documentation, I set about picking colors and typography that felt more like a game than a dusty textbook. So I made the information architecture as playful as I could without it being distracting.

“Groups” is one of the basic concepts for the BUTTONS lesson so code examples are completed already like code snippets from real documentation. Syntax highlighting helps distinguish keywords and values, and a TL;DR of every section is on the right for both skimming & summarizing.
Fonts: Similar to my other projects, fonts carry different semantic meanings so they have all been selected such that they are easily distinguishable from each other. Sans serif and rounded fonts were preferred since they best fit the welcoming theme of the application. I tried to learn from feedback I've received previously stating that I go overboard with the number of fonts I use (lol) so I kept it tight this time.
Colors: The main feeling I wanted to create was a sense of friendliness and ease. The subject matter can be boring and daunting, so I didn't want to risk losing the users' attention with screens that look like regular documentation (especially since the target demographic is young). So I avoided the standard tutorial colors of white, black, and gray, and opted for a palette that felt encouraging, and inviting. Consider this screen for the completed Lesson 1 under HTML.
Interactivity: Once matters of perception were taken care of to help users group elements and create patterns, the last major thing to consider was adding interactive qualities to the lessons. I thought back to my school days and remembered how useful it could be to "mark up" the educational materials you were given, and decided to introduce that functionality here. The content may be static, but the user can tailor each lesson based on their learning ability. Here's an example.

A11y Considerations

Sticker Sheet

Here are all the assets and controls I used to create this mockup:
You can view the raw notes taken in this study here.


Participants were teens and preteens interested in learning how to code. This will best resemble the target audience for the app.

  • Time: 25 minutes
  • Number of Participants:  4
  • Place:  United States (Remote)
  • Type:  Unmoderated usability study


  • Is the information architecture helpful or just “quirky”?
  • Do the users feel engaged reading through lessons?
  • What features would make the material resonate more deeply with users?
  • Is lesson content dense or overwhelming?


Since the games aren't fully implemented, they weren't tested. The selection screen was available for browsing but it wasn't a part of the main study to keep insights focused around what was actually finished.

4 out of 4 participants praised the colors, animations, and general aesthetic quality of the design
INSIGHT:  The design ideas posed in the prototype have some merit as a valid backdrop for educational content. Participants didn’t find the aesthetic choices to be distracting or annoying, which was the main fear.
3 out of 4 participants mentioned how they liked the ability to markup the lessons with the EDIT feature
INSIGHT: You have the same ability to do so in school, so providing the EDIT feature in SILK helps users learn better by scratching the same itch.
2 out of 4 participants said the provided
TL;DR’s were useful in quickly figuring out what the lesson was about
INSIGHT:  It’s good to have the longform content to fully explain the subject, while the TL;DR’s (and once unlocked, Cheat Sheets for that lesson) are better for review and aiding retention.
2 out of 4 participants mentioned modifying
the HTML PRIMER module to include more information
INSIGHT:  Add links to the W3Schools documentation for each tag - no one will beat them there and it’s the best reference worth providing until attribute info is added in the future and available in-app.
3 out of 4 participants had a few ideas for
extending the reinforcement modules with new features
INSIGHT:  Most of these suggestions would be super easy to implement and make a ton of sense in retrospect. So the reinforcement modules need to be reevaluated again, especially any of the ones where users had input for us.
Click on any of the below images to enlarge if needed.
Added encouraging messages at the bottom of every lesson to indicate progress
Added links to W3Schools for tags in HTML PRIMER
Users can now listen to the lessons, but we need to add support for other languages aside from English post-MVP
Added Most Saved, Upvotes, and Has Code sorting filters for the Help Network
Command History was added to Mock Databases
Users can proceed through the concepts in any order they'd like
Click to view a mockup at full size, or download all screens and frames here (desktop) or here (tablet).
Macbook Pro 16"
iPad Pro


  • Reach out to various schools for a possible guided demonstration to get more usability data from real kids who are interested in coding.
  • Get more developer input on material since a core goal of Silk is to prepare kids and teens to think like engineers, not just teach them code.
  • Integrate with Github to get users acquainted with source control and let them submit work through the service.
  • Add more projects that cover different skill areas and provide more cool things to build.
  • Let users view or review past daily challenges aside from the current one so there is another avenue for users to test their limits.
  • Consider a friendly mascot which could be a recognizable brand image as well as a source of interactivity a la Code Monster.
  • Verify that industry A11y standards have been met once prototyping and testing are complete to provide a full experience for A11y users.
  • Analyze the effectiveness of the games to see if they need to be tweaked or even replaced. Maybe these improvement metrics can also be viewed privately by each user.


  • Deep, exclusive focus on full stack web development, which has a low floor that allows anybody to start, but a high ceiling that our users is given the guidance and materials to reach, should they remain interested.
  • Emphasis on the synergy of "how" and "why". One thing a lot of other platforms that target kids and young adults have in common is an overstated importance on learning the tools. But learning how to use a hammer is different than learning how to build a house. Silk prioritizes teaching its users how to not just solve problems, but how to break them down, undertand the pieces, and move forward with your approach to solve them EFFICIENTLY. Pure coding skill will only take you so far - kids have active imaginations and should be able to keep up with their ideas.
  • Broad appeal. With a growing number of young people becoming interested in computer science, web development is the primary entry point for a lot of them. Silk is a one-stop shop for users to explore their curiosity and gain an intimate understanding for the tools and tenets of the trade.
  • Get users up and running quickly since theory and syntax will only get you so far. Silk's approach is to let users dive in, using the Bootstrap framework to get users acquainted with the building blocks of the web so they can start using them. Our built-in IDE capabilities and reinforcement modules further encourage this "learning by doing" model.
  • Three prong approach consisting of lessons, games, and projects. These distinct areas target different aspects of the learning process and seek to keep kids engaged. It's normal to get discouraged when learning new things but giving users avenues to tackle their struggles reduces the chance of their frustration turning into fatigue.
  • Users leave the app with a portfolio of work which they can use to show their family what they've learned, demonstrate their ability to schools and companies, and use as a foundation for their own ideas. The projects are designed to be hard, so completing them is definitely something for a kid to be proud of.


I had to figure out designing for a tablet display since reusing the frames I made for my MacBook Pro prototype wasn’t as simple as I thought. Learning how to take advantage of Figma’s Scale tool helped reduce the manual resizing I had to considerably. To get the Swatches page working on the iPad prototype, I had to recreate those components just for this screen size, which definitely confirmed the tediousness at times of Figma’s workflow limitations. To be honest, Figma’s lack of advanced user interactivity put a hard ceiling on a lot of my ideas for the PROJECTS and coding side of the mockup in general, so I couldn’t explore as much as I wanted to on that end.

Overall, I felt very in my element as I worked through this last project for my Google UX portfolio. Iterating on designs can be a pain, but feeling comfortable enough with applying the ins and outs of the UX design process to produce a polished high fidelity prototype feels great after all that work! I’m excited to see what else I can learn & create in this field, though I will admit that Figma’s tediousness at times frustrated me. However ultimately I’m glad I was able to become proficient with this software and exposed to the workflows, patterns, & concepts behind crafting beautiful user experiences.




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